Admirable Attributes

My most admirable attribute is my adaptability. I think of this as the ability to Ship-of-Theseus myself, shifting aspects of my thoughts and behaviors in adherence to whatever pursuits I see fit. I'm great at listening to fair criticisms of myself and adjusting myself over time accordingly. I know how to stare at my own bottlenecks without flinching and develop plans to address them.

My other most admirable attributes are as strong as they are because of my adaptability, but they have their own shape. One of these is my curiosity about people. Everyone is their own infinity of infinities and getting to know these infinities is a precious gift for which I am always grateful. People are so different and I cherish getting to know how different people can be. I listen to others attentively and ask them questions about themselves to satiate my need to know more.

Another admirable attribute is my consistency. I will do the same things over and over and over and I will do them gladly. I enjoy being able to rely on myself to do what is required. I feel grateful that I know how to shape my routines to maximize my cooperation with myself.

I have other admirable attributes of course, everyone does. I think it's wonderful that we can all observe each other and the ways in which we each thrive, and we can see how we might learn from each other. We can take notes and share them, discuss, debate, discern together. We can do whatever we want.