Clarity on Helping People

My desire to help people is vague. It's front and center on my website, but what do I mean? I can figure this out by being more clear about ways that I already enjoy helping people right now:

I enjoy delighting and surprising people. Making tweets and essays and projects that bring unexpected joy to others fulfills me. Providing quick hits of happiness to others through my creativity feels like an act of service.

I enjoy supporting people financially. Each month a bit of my income goes to friends who are in a tough spot financially or do stellar work that they share publicly. It feels good to contribute to this ecosystem of people looking out for each other.

I enjoy giving my care and attention to people. It feels good to listen to someone who wants to speak, to let someone know that I enjoyed what they wrote. I try to be considerate, and I'm considerate toward myself when I fall short of my expectations.

If you're reading this and there's some way I've helped you, could you tell me? Have a nice day.