In Praise of Talking Less

The thing about me is that I'd much rather listen to you talk about yourself than talk about myself. I'm at a competitive advantage in the conversational ecosystem since most people love to talk about themselves. They seem to get a lot out of it. Therefore ipso facto logico, you wanna talk less than half of the time in conversation! You are a generous god, giving them that space to talk that they crave! But they don't know that talking less than half of the time is also a wonderful experience. Here's why:

Other people are outrageously fascinating. Did you know that some people are in love with each other? Some people are novelty junkies. Some people crave annihilation. The person who's talking to you is a brilliant mosaic of so many traits. Their voice shines a prismacolor festival of light upon you, two irreducible expressions of the universe in holy communion.

You guide the conversation where it's meant to go. The person talking to you reveals a golden crown, its mesmerizing gems command your gaze. You can stare at them for as long as you'd like with the appropriate questions. How are those sparkly flecks in there? Why that hexagonal cut? When was it crafted?

Generosity. Since most people enjoy talking about themselves, your full attention set on their words is a boon. It's care expressed through genuine interest in what they share because they're sharing it. Active listening is a loving gesture towards a stranger or a close friend.

Conversation is collaborative improv: messy and vulnerable and honest and complex and simple. It's always a joy to connect with someone in a fractured world.