You Don't Need to Read This Essay

You don't need to attend this event, or participate in that cohort-based course, or buy the other digital product. This is especially true for anything you just happen to come across while scrolling online, and it's disingenuous if you frame anything you're offering this way.

I know I'm easily seduced by the idea of the silver bullet. Many phenomenal stories have a Chekhov's gun or a deus-ex-machina that suddenly solves the protagonist's problems after so much struggling and suffering. But life isn't stories, and I'm not going to find an instant remedy wedged between two shitposts on Twitter.

So then, if not hyperbole, how ought you frame your amazing offering that you just know would improve your customers' lives if they would just take a chance on it? Speak from experience and don't shy away from its shortcomings. Make it clear that you have an approach, not the approach, and watch as those you interact with are drawn to your radical honesty.